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What Does “Touchdown Dependent” Mean In Fantasy Football?

What Does “Touchdown Dependent” Mean?

If a player is touchdown-dependent, that means their fantasy value largely relies on them scoring touchdowns. This can be a bit of a gamble, as touchdown-dependent players can often be boom or bust – they may have big games where they score multiple touchdowns, or they may have quiet games where they don’t find the end zone at all.

How To Reduce Risk

There are ways to mitigate the risk of having too many touchdown-dependent players on your fantasy team. One way is to ensure you have a good mix of players – some who are touchdown-dependent and some who aren’t. That way, even if one player has an off week, you still have others who can pick up the slack.

Another way to mitigate the risk is to target players in good scoring situations – for example, players on teams with strong offenses that should be able to move the ball well and get into the red zone often.

Should I Avoid Touchdown-Dependent Players?

It is important to consider how important touchdowns are in the scoring system of your particular league. If touchdowns are worth a lot of points, then players who score many touchdowns will be more valuable. However, if touchdowns are not worth as many points, then players who score many touchdowns may not be as valuable.

Another factor to consider is the overall strength of the player’s team. If the player is on a strong team, he is more likely to score touchdowns because his team is more likely to win games and move the ball down the field. However, if the player is on a weak team, he is less likely to score touchdowns because his team is less likely to win games and move the ball down the field.

Finally, it is also important to consider the player’s individual skills and abilities. Some players are simply better at scoring touchdowns than others. So, if you are looking for a player who is likely to score many touchdowns, you may want to focus on players with a history of scoring touchdowns.

In general, you should avoid players who are touchdown-dependent if you can find other players who are more consistent scorers. However, if you need a player who is likely to score a lot of points in a particular week, then a touchdown-dependent player may be your best option.

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