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What Is A Trap Block In American Football?

What Is A Trap Block In Football?

In American footballa trap block is a type of blocking scheme in which a player who appears to be blocking one defensive player instead blocks another. This can be used to spring a running back or receiver open for a big gain or to seal off the edge of the field to allow the quarterback time to throw.

A trap block usually starts with the offensive linemen feigning a block one way before quickly shifting over to block the other way. This can be confusing for the defense and leave them out of position. The key to making a successful trap block is timing – if it’s not timed correctly, it can result in penalties or even injuries.

How To Properly Execute

The first step is identifying the defender you want to “trap.” This will typically be a lineman or linebacker lined up directly over the center.

Next, the center and both guards will need to downblock on this defender. This means they will drive their shoulders into him and attempt to push him back toward his own goal line.

At the same time, the offensive tackle on the side of the defender will “pull” or “trap” around him. This means he will wrap his arms around the defender’s waist and drive him toward the hole the down blocks have created.

The ball carrier will then aim for this hole and attempt to run through it.

If executed properly, the trap block can be a very effective way to open up a running lane. However, it is important to note that this play requires all five offensive linemen to execute their blocks correctly in order for it to work. The ball carrier also must be patient and wait for the hole to open up before hitting it at full speed.

When To Use A Trap Block

Trap blocks are typically used when the offense is anticipating a blitz or other aggressive defensive play. By trapping the defensive lineman, the offense can seal off the edge and prevent the defense from getting to the quarterback or running back.

They can be effective against any type of defensive lineman, but they are particularly useful against larger, slower defenders who are difficult to handle one-on-one. By trapping these defenders in the middle of the line, the offense can open up running lanes on either side.

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