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What Is Persistent Infringement In Soccer?

What Is The Persistent Infringement Penalty In Soccer?

FIFA defines persistent infringement in soccer as “an act of unsporting behavior which repeatedly occurs during a match.” This can include anything from shirt pulling and time-wasting to more serious offenses like elbowing and dangerous tackling.

If a player is deemed persistently infringing on the rules of the game, they may be given a yellow card or even a red card, which results in their expulsion from the match. Persistent infringement is often seen as one of the most frustrating aspects of the game, as it can disrupt the flow of play and lead to players being unfairly punished.

In order to prevent this penalty, FIFA has introduced a number of measures, such as sin bins and warnings. These are designed to give players a chance to change their behavior before they are punished more severely.

How Can A Player Avoid The Penalty?

The key to avoiding the persistent infringement penalty is to be aware of the rules and to make sure that you are not breaking them. The best way to do this is to talk to your coach or referee before the game. They will be able to tell you what the rules are and what you need to do to avoid breaking them.

Another way to avoid the persistent infringement penalty is to pay attention to the game and make sure that you are not accidentally infringing on another player’s space. Ask a coach or referee for clarification if you are unsure about a rule.


While the Persistent Infringement Penalty may seem like a small thing, it can often be the difference between winning and losing a soccer game. This is why it is so important for players to be aware of their surroundings and not commit too many fouls in a short period of time. If they do, they risk giving their opponents a golden opportunity to score.

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